“How do you say goodbye to someone who was your life for 30 years?”
These were the words my darling friend Marcella Zemanek had to ask herself when her dear husband, and legendary Beast from Beauty & The Beast, Stan, left this world in 2007 after his heroic battle with brain cancer.
Charlie Teo was his surgeon and had given Marcella the farewell so many families facing cancer with a loved one just don’t get.
She has since made it her life’s mission working tirelessly for The Charlie Teo Foundation so other families don’t have to suffer. I have personally witnessed a miracle from this man myself, with a friend of my twins when they were in pre-school. Ollie was only four. His parents, a gorgeous couple here from Sweden to raise their young family, were told to go home and accept the worst.
At Xmas we shared a wonderful pizza with that family, including their little boy Ollie. That family, visiting from Sweden, had once been given a diagnosis their little boy would not make it. I am happy to report at 15 he is more than gorgeous, happy and a seriously wonderful teen.
You can donate to the Charlie Teo Foundation here
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@charlieteofoundation #marcella #stanzemanek #beautyandthebeast