My Dad…The Good Doc OAM!!!!!

Dr Joseph Casamento has many names. He is affectionately known as Dr Joe to his thousands of patients. More widely among the Randwick Rugby Club footballers as Dr Death. To his 25 grandchildren as Nonno. And to me, and his eight children, simply as Dad. But today he has a new name – announced in […] Read more…


A long time ago I made one wish and two came true. After five long years of IVF, four gruelling cycles, two miscarriages and a possibly 10 extra kilos, my dreams did come true. I got two beautiful bubbas for the price of one. And while they’ve never shared much (apart from my womb and […] Read more…


I’m not going to give you all an inspirational quote on International Women’s Day. But I am going to give you a blog post! Because when I truly think about my sisterhood, I realise how lucky I have been and I hate that many of these women don’t even know how important they have been […] Read more…


R•E•S•P•E•C•T: When I was growing up there was a big poster on our 70s style kitchen wall, which I never truly understood till now. It said the words RESPECT. My seven siblings and I had given the poster to my dad one year for his birthday because it was the only thing he ever seemed […] Read more…


Well if this year has taught us anything, it’s that we need to know how to make ourselves look camera ready when we are conducting meetings from home. And there are no trips to the hairdressers to help! I mean, let’s be honest, no glam squad is a little alarming.  SO I have come up […] Read more…


Netball is something I’ve only experienced as a parent on the sideline. Not being much of a sporty spice growing up – well let’s be honest I think I have only owned one pair of sneakers in my adult life, that’s how infrequently they are used! But I’ve learned the meaning of the word team […] Read more…

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