The most beautiful things in the world are not seen or heard, they are felt with the heart. My favourite thing to do with my bubbas when they were little was read books. I would literally spend hours each night (they insisted on their own bedtime story each) going to each room and reading before they went to sleep. The process would take hours, but it’s one I miss now they are older and don’t need me.
Phoebe’s favourite was The Magic Faraway Tree, Maxy’s favourites were ALWAYS Dr Seuss (over and over!), Matisse loved Millie Moo and Allegra loved Angelina Ballerina. So I can’t imagine a world where a family couldn’t experience the joy of storytelling. This is why I was just so thrilled to spread the word that #StorySign is opening up a world of change for deaf children by allowing them to experience things you or I take for-granted.
They are working closely with local deaf associations to help spread awareness with four new books added to StorySign in English and sign language. I had such a delightful morning reading Spot The Dog and Max The Brave with my twin nieces, Eliza and Camilla, using my @huaweimobileau phone and #StorySign app which has Star showing the signs for the words on each page in Auslan Sign language. Imagine how this app could help hearing family members of deaf children to improve their communication? Some things definitely fill your heart without even trying
Ps. This post was timed forInternational Day of Sign Languages and the International Week of the Deaf.
#internationalweekofthedeaf #deafcommunity #storysign