R•E•S•P•E•C•T: When I was growing up there was a big poster on our 70s style kitchen wall, which I never truly understood till now. It said the words RESPECT. My seven siblings and I had given the poster to my dad one year for his birthday because it was the only thing he ever seemed to ask for. “All I want is respect,” he would say when we asked. So I think we figured, let’s save our cash and give him what he wants. Literally a piece of cardboard!
Funny thing was, at the time, I didn’t realise how rare it would be to find a man who truly embodies that word and has lived a life that has sincerely earned it. And he is one of them. The good Doc. A lifesaver to his millions of patients, still lining up outside his surgery door every day. He’s 80 and still an essential worker, delivering the Covid vaccination at his clinic – which is saving lives every day.

He is Nonno to 23 grandchildren. A wonderful husband, son, uncle, cousin and brother. A true gentleman, one of the last breed of real men who have spent their life living, loving and sacrificing for their family. His achievements are numerous, his guidance solicited by many and his qualities rare. I’m so happy to see he is still smiling, working (even if he is 80 and has forever been saying you’ll cut down but we finally know he never will, even despite the risks associated with Covid) and having new experiences and I can honestly say being his daughter, I’m one of the lucky ones. You are truly the best man I know and make it an impossible standard for anyone else to live up to, Dad.
Ps. Here’s how he met my mum. I love this story so much! He was a handsome doctor. She, the hot English nurse on ward 15 at Concord Hospital. Eight Kids, a few cats and 23 Grandkids later – plus a heap of laughter, noise, mess, dinners, arguments, kisses, stress, play doh, cuddles tears, Lego and bucket loads of fun and joy in between (washed down with a nightly G&T, hey mum?) I can say they are the TRUEST example of what it means to share a life together. If I could only emulate that for a small time, I will be one happy woman.