I’m not going to give you all an inspirational quote on International Women’s Day. But I am going to give you a blog post! Because when I truly think about my sisterhood, I realise how lucky I have been and I hate that many of these women don’t even know how important they have been to me at one season or reason in my life. Or indeed that some continue to be.
It pretty much begins with this amazing woman – my incredible mum @liscasamento – who taught me many things, but above all has taught me that life is far more interesting if you are INTERESTING and if you have something to say. It might be disagreeable, but what makes us all different is really the benchmark for a wonderful life. And she wears this proudly on her chest: Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History.

And I am proud to see the next generation of Casamento-bred women (@ashleighcasamento_thompson@brookecasamento @beccycambridge) including my own girls (@phoebemcdonald @matissemcdonald_@allegra.mcdonald ) become fabulous entertaining and engaging women.
And on that note I wanted to shout out to all my sisters (#rachie #sonny @margcasamento @traceycambridge ) and the non-biological sisters who I have been lifted up by, cared for, supported and loved by. From childhood BFFs (@samsynnott @daniellerobinson08 @sonyaarathoon @becod1 @rowenagerloff) to bosses who painstakingly made me accountable for not only my grammar but my content (@fittoprint #sandralee @eliza_colman ) to flat mates who sang karaoke with me and shaped me (@amywillo) to those who helped me change nappies (#Jeannie @donna.johnstone.7 @charlotte_rollo @janjanfalconer @heidilivingstone ) and were there for fizzy fazzies and to take dummies away in the middle of the night (@fionamcd27 @pinzonejosephine @chrispinzone ).

And to those who gave me a job when I needed one (@kate_cox_ @jennyodowd_ @bahar.etminan ) and inspire me @randa_habelrih @medispabymatty @realkrissymarsh and to those who have helped me through those times with a kind word or a wonderful insight (@katewaterhouse7 @kristieeeeeeee_@whatsarahsnapped @carlotta @macsweenprue @ita.buttrose @kerriannekennerley ) and those who I admire because they live and breathe and just are many things I could only WISH I could be (@sallyburleigh @joannebakis @jessjrowe @katering @brendajanschekThose I can laugh with STILL endlessly @marnieseinor@racharchmeowsie3@lailanassar@kazza_blacka@taraminto@lucetteparkes after 25 years of friendship and FINALLY to the ones who I know will be there till the end of time – @gabbydonato & @mariacasamento – if I don’t say it often enough, I see you and I thank you. And I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone, but if I did you would know how hopeless I am and hopefully forgive me….but you are all my heroes and have been my saviours at some stage in my complicated journey which, at the very least, has not been boring! You may not know how much it means or it has meant to me along the way.