Month: September 2021

Story Time

The most beautiful things in the world are not seen or heard, they are felt with the heart. My favourite thing to do with my bubbas when they were little was read books. I would literally spend hours each night (they insisted on their own bedtime story each) going to each room and reading before […] Read more…

Autism & Me

I don’t feel like I’ve achieved many of my lifetime goals, but without doubt one of the things I am most grateful for is meeting and getting to know the wonderful team from Autism MATES. They have definitely stolen a piece of my heart.  There’s super cool Carlito with his hand made soap business and […] Read more…


While I get to spend every day with people who fill me with love, belly laughs and happy moments just like this one in Hawaii last year . But there are some families who aren’t so fortunate. Some children don’t get to feel safe at night. Many children experience sexual abuse and neglect. Child abuse […] Read more…